


发布日期:2021-07-20  来源:   点击量:













IEEE   ICEPT 2021 Technical Member of Quality and Reliability Session,国内外十余个著名期刊的审稿人





1.     电子封装技术中的关键力学问题;

2.     先进封装材料物理力学性能测试与表征;

3.     高温蠕变断裂理论及高温结构完整性评估方法;


1.          国家自然科学基金青年项目,批准号:11902009,在研,主持。

2.          北京市自然科学基金青年项目,批准号:2204074,在研,主持。

3.          北京市教育委员会科技计划一般项目,批准号:KM202010005034,在研,主持。

4.          中国航天科技集团第七七一研究所,横向课题,XXXXXXXX,在研,主持。

5.          工业和信息化部电子第五研究所,横向课题,微系统的多物理场耦合仿真方法研究,在研,主持。

6.          中国博士后基金面上项目,编号:2019M650403SiC器件烧结纳米银焊层脱粘机理研究,已结题,主持。

7.          朝阳区博士后经费资助项目,编号:2019ZZ-47,烧结纳米银传热性能的理论、实验与数值模拟研究,已结题,主持。

8.   中国工程物理研究院电子工程研究所,横向课题,SiP主要焊接结构疲劳寿命测试,已结题,主持。


1.           Dai   YW,   Qin F, Liu YH, Chao YJ. On the second order term asymptotic solution for   sharp V-notch tip field in elasto-viscoplastic solids. International Journal of Solids   and Structures, 2021, 217–218, 106-122.

2.           Zhao   S, Dai YW*, Qin F*, Li Y, Liu L, Zan Z, An T, Chen P, Gong Y, Wang Y,   On mode II fracture toughness of sintered silver based on end-notch flexure   (ENF) test considering various sintering parameters, Materials Science &   Engineering A2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.msea. 2021.141729.

3.           Dai   YW,   Qin F, Liu YH, Berto F, Chen HF. Characterizations of material constraint   effect for creep crack in center weldment under biaxial loading. International   Journal of Fracture (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s10704-021-00563-6

4.           Dai   YW,   Qin F, Liu YH, Berto F, Chen HF. Characteristics and   implications of material mismatch on mode II creep crack tip field:   Theoretical analysis and numerical investigation. Theoretical and Applied   Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 103035.

5.           Dai   YW,   Luca Susmel, Qin F. Sharp V-notches in viscoplastic solids: Strain energy   rate density rule and fracture toughness. Fatigue & Fracture of   Engineering Materials & Structures, 2021; 44:28–42.

6.           Dai   YW,   Liu YH, Qin F, Chao YJ, Chen HF. Constraint modified time dependent failure   assessment diagram (TDFAD) based on C(t)-A2(t)   theory for creep crack. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020,   165, 105193.

7.           Dai   YW,   Liu YH, Qin F, Chao YJ, Qian GA. C (t) dominance of the mixed I/II creep   crack: Part II. Extensive creep. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,   2020, 106, 102489.

8.           Dai   YW,   Qin F, Liu YH, Feng WZ, Qian GA. Estimation of C*-integral for central   cracked plate under biaxial loading, International Journal of Applied   Mechanics, 2020, 12(07), 2050079.

9.           Qin   F, Zhang M, Dai YW*, Chen P, An T, He HW, Zhang H, Zheng JT.   Optimization of TSV interconnects and BEOL layers under annealing process   through fracture evaluation. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials   &Structures, 2020, 43:1433–1445.

10.     Qin F, Zhao S, Dai   YW*, Yang MK, Xiang M, Yu DQ. Study of warpage evolution and control for   six-side molded WLCSP in different packaging processes. IEEE Transactions on   Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. 2020, 10(4): 730-738.

11.     Qin F, Hu YK, Dai   YW*, An T, Chen P, Gong YP, Yu HP. Crack effect on the equivalent thermal   conductivity of porously sintered silver. Journal of Electronic Materials.   2020, 49, 5994–6008.

12.     Qin F, Hu YK, Dai   YW*, Chen P, An T. Evaluation of thermal conductivity for sintered silver   considering aging effect with microstructure based model. Microelectronics   Reliability. 2020, 108:113633.

13.     Dai YW, Liu YH, Qin F, Chao   YJ, Berto F. Estimation of stress field for sharp V-notch in power-law   creeping solids: An asymptotic viewpoint. International Journal of Solids and   Structures, 2019, 180-181, 189-204.

14.     Dai YW, Liu YH, Qin F, Chao   YJ. Notch stress intensity factor and C-integral evaluation for sharp V-notch   in power-law creeping solids. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 222,   106709.

15.     Dai YW, Liu YH, Qin F, Chao   YJ. A unified method to solve higher order asymptotic crack-tip fields of   mode I, mode II and mixed mode I/II crack in power-law creeping solids.   Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 218, 106610.

16.     Dai YW, Liu YH, Qin F, Qian   GA, Chao YJ. C (t) dominance of the mixed I/II creep crack: Part I. Transient   creep. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 103, 102314.

17.     Dai YW, Zhang M, Qin F, Chen   P, An T. Effect of silicon anisotropy on interfacial fracture for three   dimensional through-silicon-via (TSV) under thermal loading. Engineering   Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 209, 274-300.

18.     Dai YW, Liu YH, Chen HF.   Numerical investigations on the effects of T-stress in mode I creep crack,   International Journal of Computational Methods, 2019, 16(08): 1841002.

19.     Dai YW, Liu YH, Chao YJ. Higher   order asymptotic analysis of crack tip fields under mode II creeping   conditions. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017, 125,   89-107.

20.     Dai YW, Liu DH, Liu YH.   Mismatch constraint effect of creep crack with modified boundary layer model.   Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2016, 83(3), 031008.

21.     Dai YW, Liu YH, Chen HF, Liu   DH. The interacting effect for collinear cracks near mismatching bimaterial   interface under elastic creep. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions   of the ASME, 2016, 138(4), 041404.














本科招生     010-67391758

研究生招生  010-67392281(机械工程系)




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