


发布日期:2021-09-07  来源:   点击量:













Ø 中国复合材料学会常务理事

Ø 中国复合材料学会力学专业委员会副主任

Ø 复合材料学报》编委

Ø 国际计算力学协会会员


Ÿ 2005/08-2006/02,澳大利亚国立大学,工程系,兼职教授

Ÿ 2002/08-2003/08,德国 Siegen 大学,机械工程系,访问教授

Ÿ 2002/01-2002/01,香港大学,工学院,访问学者




1. 新型材料与结构的力学性能分析

2. 复合材料的宏、细观力学

3. 多尺度计算力学方法与应用

4. 智能与生物材料的多场耦合性能


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,力电作用下石墨烯纤维的多尺度力学与压阻行为及其传感器件原理研究,2018.01-2021.12

2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,碳纳米纤维增强形状记忆聚合物复合材料大变形热-力耦合行为,2017.01-2021.12

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,形状记忆凝胶相变-扩散-应力耦合大变形本构关系及其实验验证与数值实现,2015.01-2018.12

4. 国家科技支撑计划(攻关计划),重要地区地震预测的次声点阵技术研究及监测系统研制,2013.01-2015.12

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,典型胶质材料的电学-化学-力学耦合理论与应用,2012.01-2015.12

6. 北京市基金面上项目,基于多变量控制的智能材料与器件设计的基础理论研究,2009.01-2011.12

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,形状记忆聚合物及其复合材料的热-湿-力学耦合行为和器件设计原理,2009.01-2011.12

8. 企事业委托项目,正置等边三角形网格加筋圆筒壳承载能力理论模型研究,2007.07-2008.08

9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于实验的识别生物材料力学性能的逆方法,2005.08-2006.07

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,生物软组织多物理藕合性能的基础研究,2005.01-2007.12

11. 教育部科学研究重点项目,用均匀化和MFE法研究导电聚合物复合材料的多物理耦合行为,2004.12-2005.12

12. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,导电聚合物的热---力学性能,2003.01-2005.12


Ø 期刊论文 (2014-2018)

1. Jun Jun Shang, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xia Liu, Chao Wang, Compressive deformation mechanism of honeycomb-like graphene aerogels, Carbon 134 (2018) 398-410.

2. Ran Tao, Xia Liu, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xiao-Qiao He, Design and analysis of smart diaphragm based on shape memory polymer, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 135 (31) (2018) 46557.

3. Shao-Chong Yang, Qing-Sheng Yang, Geometrically nonlinear transient response of laminated plates with flexible supports, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 18 (18710022) (2018).

4. Ran Tao, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xue-Jiao Zhang, Xia Liu, Xiao-Qiao He, Kim-Meow Liew, Numerical study of smart honeycomb core using shape memory polymers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 135 (2) (2018) 45672.

5. Jia-Qi Zhu, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xiao-Qiao He, Kun-Kun Fu, Micro-mechanism of interfacial separation and slippage of graphene/aluminum nanolaminated composites, Nanomaterials 8(12) (2018) 1046.

6. Shao-Chong Yang, Qing-Sheng Yang, Geometrically nonlinear random vibration responses of laminated plates subjected to acoustic excitation, AIAA Journal 56 (2018) 2827-2839.

7. Xing-Quan Wang, Qing-Sheng Yang, A general solution for one dimensional chemo-mechanical coupled hydrogel rod, Acta Mechanica Sinica 34(2) (2018) 392–399.

8. Qing-Sheng Yang, Dong-Lai Liu, Xia Liu, Experimental investigation of resistance-strain behavior of carbon nanotube fibers and yarns under single and cyclic loads, Materials Research Express, 6(2) (2019) 025021.

9. Wei Wei, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xia Liu,  Xiao-Qiao He, Kim-Meow Liew.. Theory and calculation of the j-integral for coupled chemo-mechanical fracture mechanics. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 115(3) (2018) 387-409.

10. Dan Li, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xia Liu, Xiao-Qiao He, Experimental and cohesive finite element investigation of interfacial behavior of CNT fiber-reinforced composites, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 101 (2017) 318-325.

11. Dan Li, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xia Liu, Jun-Jun Shang, Experimental investigation on tensile properties of carbon nanotube wires, Mechanics of Materials 105 (2017) 42-48.

12. Shaochong Yang, Qingsheng Yang, Geometrically nonlinear transient response of laminated plates with nonlinear elastic restraints, Shock and Vibration 2017 (2017) 1-9.

13. Ran Tao, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xia Liu, Xiao-Qiao He, Kim-Meow Liew, Investigation of intelligent reversible diaphragm using shape memory polymers, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 29 (7) (2017) 1500-1509.

14. Xia Liu, Qingsheng Yang, Molecular dynamic simulation of mechanical behaviour of RGO produced by thermal reduction method, Micro & Nano Letters 12 (9) (2017) 638-642.

15. Junjun Shang, Qingsheng Yang, Yubin Lu, Nature of the pull-out system of carbon nanorope/polyethylene composite and twisting effect on interfacial behavior, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 32 (3) (2017) 713-719.

16. Jun-Jun Shang, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xia Liu, New Coarse-Grained model and its implementation in simulations of graphene assemblies, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 13 (8) (2017) 3706-3714.

17. Xia Liu, Qing Sheng Yang, Kim Meow Liew, Xiao Qiao He, Superstretchability and stability of helical structures of carbon nanotube/polymer composite fibers: Coarse-grained molecular dynamics modeling and simulation, Carbon 115 (2017) 220-228.

18. Jun-Jun Shang, Qing-Sheng Yang, A Coarse-Grid model for analyzing deformation and failure of graphene sheets, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 13 (11) (2016) 8400-8405.

19. Wei Wei, Qingsheng Yang, A finite element procedure for analysis of Chemo-Mechanical coupling behavior of hydrogels, CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 112 (1) (2016) 33-58.

20. Xia Liu, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xiao-Qiao He, Kim-Meow Liew, Cohesive laws for van der Waals interactions of super carbon nanotube/polymer composites, Mechanics Research Communications 72 (2016) 33-40.

21. Jun-Jun Shang, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xiao-Hui Yan, Xiao-Qiao He, Kim-Meow Liew, Ionic adsorption and desorption of CNT nanoropes, Nanomaterials 6 (10) (2016) 177.

22. Yu-Bin Lu, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xiao-Qiao He, Kim-Meow Liew, Modeling the interfacial behavior of carbon nanotube fiber/polyethylene composites by molecular dynamics approach, Computational Materials Science 114 (2016) 189-198.

23. Ran Tao, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xiao-Qiao He, Kim-Meow Liew, Parametric analysis and temperature effect of deployable hinged shells using shape memory polymers, Smart Materials and Structures 25 (11) (2016) 115034.

24. Xia Liu, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xiao-Qiao He, Kim-Meow Liew, Self-densified microstructure and enhanced properties of carbon nanotube fiber by infiltrating polymer, Carbon 106 (2016) 188-194.

25. Zhong-Jun Yang, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xia Liu, Xiao-qiao He, Kim-Meow Liew, Detailed investigation on elastoplastic deformation and failure of carbon nanotube fibers by monotonic and cyclic tensile experiments, Carbon 94 (2015) 73-78.

26. Lianhua Ma, Qingsheng Yang, Chunhui Yang, Effects of the junction functionality and chain entanglements in chemomechanical behavior of polyelectrolyte gels, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 2015 (2015) 1-10.

27. Qingsheng Yang, Shaochong Yang, Xiaohu Lin, Impact response of stiffened cylindrical shells with/without holes based on equivalent model of isogrid structures, CMC-Computers Materials & Continua 45 (1) (2015) 57-74.

28. Xia Liu, Qing-Sheng Yang, Plastic deformation and failure mechanisms of collapsed-carbon nanotube fibers by coarse-grained molecular dynamic simulations, International Journal of Plasticity 64 (2015) 104-112.

29. Xiao-Hui Yan, Qing-Sheng Yang, Rotation, elongation and failure of CNT nanoropes induced by electric field, Computational Materials Science 98 (2015) 333-339.

30. Qingsheng Yang, Hui Tian, Qinghua Qin, Analytical solutions for a one-dimensional chemo-mechanical coupling problem, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 27 (2) (2014) 137-145.

31. Shi-Jun Guo, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xiao-Qiao He, Kim-Meow Liew, Design of 3D carbon nanotube-based nanostructures and prediction of their extra-strong mechanical properties under tension and compression, Computational Materials Science 85 (2014) 324-331.

32. Lian-Hua Ma, Qing-Sheng Yang, Xiao-Hui Yan, Qing-Hua Qin, Elastoplastic mechanics of porous materials with varied inner pressures, Mechanics of Materials 73 (2014) 58-75.

33. Xia Liu, Qingsheng Yang, Luodan Su, Interface analysis and design in carbon nanotube array composite based on cohesive finite element approach, Materials Science and Engineering: A 592 (2014) 83-87.

34. Shi-Jun Guo, Qing-Sheng Yang, X. Q. He, K. M. Liew, Modeling of interface cracking in copper–graphite composites by MD and CFE method, Composites Part B: Engineering 58 (2014) 586-592.

35. Qing-Sheng Yang, Bing-Qi Li, Xiao-Qiao He, Yiu-Wing Mai, Modeling the mechanical properties of functionalized carbon nanotubes and their composites: Design at the atomic level, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 2014 (2014) 1-8.

Ø 专利 (2014-2018)

1. 杨庆生,刘志远,李熙,杨忠军,一种关节软骨微结构纳米压痕镶嵌保水试样台及实验方法,2016ZL201310477058.0

2. 杨庆生,刘志远,李熙,杨忠军,微/纳米纤维拉伸扭转试样台及实验方法,2016ZL201410053871.X

3. 杨庆生,刘志远,李熙,杨忠军,一种冰体纳米压痕试样台及相关实验方法,2015ZL201310478355.7

4. 杨庆生,刘志远,李熙,杨忠军,一种细胞纳米压痕力学性能测试保湿试样台及实验方法,2015ZL201310477499.0

5. 杨庆生,刘志远,李熙,杨忠军,高聚物纳米压痕恒温水浴试样台及相关实验方法,2015ZL201310478834.9

6. 杨庆生,刘志远,李熙,高雪玉,崔倩倩,眼球微结构纳米压痕实验台及纳米压痕实验的方法,2014ZL201210045175.X

Ø 专著 (2013-2018)

1. 杨庆生,刘夏,郭士军,碳纳米管集合体及其复合材料力学,科学出版社,2015

2. Yang Qing-Sheng, Liu Xia, Toughening Mechanisms in Composite Materials (Mechanical behavior of extra-strong CNT fibers and their composites), Woodhead Publishing, 2015

3. 彭细荣,杨庆生,孙卓,有限单元法及其应用,清华大学出版社,2013











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