


发布日期:2021-07-23  来源:   点击量:












中国焊接学会熔焊工艺及设备专业委员会 委员 (2007.10-至今)

中国电工技术学会电焊技术专业委员会 副主任 (2009.10-至今)

中国焊接协会教育与培训工作委员会 副理事长兼秘书长 (2010.03-至今)

中国焊接协会常务理事 2015.06-至今)

中国职工焊接技术协会 焊接设备专业委员会     副理事长(2015.03-至今)

中国机械工程学会焊接分会熔焊工艺及设备专业委员会 副主任 (2018.5-2022.5)

中国机械工程学会编辑委员 (2019.1-2020.12)







1.         变极性等离子弧焊接电弧物理



2.         特种能场焊接机理


主要成果:局部压力辅助调控为焊接电弧调制提供了一条新途径,获国际专利授权1项、进入PCT 国家阶段1项;基于焊接温度场的分区调控及动态合成的电阻对焊工艺解决航天关键零件空芯金属O型密封环的焊接难题,该技术在两年时间内直接创造经济效益8496 万元;国内率先开展并有力推动异种材料磁脉冲焊接技术研究,在磁脉冲连接微观物理机制上取得突破,推动了国内磁脉冲连接技术的发展,学术论文引起业内高度评价与重视。

3.         多电极电弧工艺


主要成果:复合脉冲电流波形调制技术实现对熔滴所受电弧力的动态调控,主动激发熔滴振荡并利用其振荡动量显著促进熔滴过渡,降低熔滴稳定过渡所需的临界电流。研究成果获2014年度美国焊接学会A.F.Davis Silver   Medal Award 奖项,为国内第三次获得此项殊荣;获2项国家发明专利授权,7项国家发明专利和1项美国专利。

4.         焊接装备研发


主要成果2004年起与国家电焊机质量监督检验中心联合进行与国际电焊机电磁兼容性标准对应的EMC 设计与测试技术研究。2008年,申请人作为第一起草人,北京工业大学作为第一起草单位,组织制定了我国的电焊机电磁兼容性要求国家强制标准GB15579.10

5.         焊接智能控制




1.       高温合金大型复杂结构电弧增材与铸锻铣一体化制造技术 装备发展研究部项目 2018-2019

2.       多机器人协同的铝合金高筋壁板的增等减材原位融合制造系统 JZ001790201701)北京市教委项目 2017

3.       基于压电致动的铝合金点焊过程宏-微压力可编程调控技术 Q1001790201601)北京市新世纪百千万人才工程 2016-2018

4.       熔滴主动靶向的激光间接电弧复合增材制造技术 Z2001002201601)北京市基金项目 2016-2018

5.       高差异性异种金属材料磁脉冲焊接界面行为与结合机理 10001790201501)国家自然科学基金 2015-2019

6.       高档数控机床与基础制造装备科技重大专项载人航天器结构关键制造装备及柔性化生产线(25001790201501)国家科技重大专项项目 2015-2017

7.       大型航天器焊接新工艺与新装备 JJ001790201501)北京市教委项目 2015


1.       X.   Jiang, S. Chen*, J. Gong, Effect of non-axisymmetric arc on microstructure,   texture and properties of variable polarity plasma arc welded 5A06 Al alloy.   Materials Characterization, 2018, 139: 70–80

2.       Li F,   Chen S, Wu Z, et al. Adaptive process control of wire and arc additive   manufacturing for fabricating complex-shaped components[J]. International   Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018(2):1-9.

3.       CHEN   S, XU B, JIANG F. Blasting type penetrating characteristic in variable   polarity plasma arc welding of aluminum alloy of type 5A06[J]. International   Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018,118:1293-1306.

4.       Shujun   Chen, Ruiying Zhang, Fan Jiang, Shanwen Dong. Experimental   study on electrical property of arc column in plasma arc welding. Journal of   Manufacturing Processes 2018,31: 823–832

5.       XU B,   JIANG F, TANAKA M, et al. Numerical analysis of plasma arc physical   characteristics under additional constraint of keyhole[J]. Chin. Phys. B,   2018(3):034701

6.       CHEN   S, ZHANG R, JIANG F, et al. A novel method for testing the electrical   property of arc column in plasma arc welding[J]. Welding in the World, 2018.

7.       CHEN   S, YAN Z, JIANG F. Gravity effects on horizontal variable polarity plasma arc   welding[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018,255:831-840.

8.       Jiang   X, Chen S. Texture evolution and plastic deformation mechanism in magnetic   pulse welding of dissimilar Al and Mg alloys[J]. Welding in the World,   2018:1-13.

9.     Shujun Chen, Xiaoxu Li, Xiaoqing Jiang, The effect of   microstructure on the mechanical properties of friction stir welded 5A06 Al   Alloy[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 735:382-393.

10.   Chen S, Zhang R, Jiang F, et al. Experimental study on   electrical property of arc column in plasma arc welding[J]. Journal of   Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 31:823-832.

11.   Fan Jiang, Shujun Chen, Yuanfeng Li, Tomographic measurement of   temperature in non-axisymmetric arc plasma by single camera multi-view   imaging system[J]. Optics Express, 2018, 26: 21745-21761.

12.   Li F , Chen S , Shi J ,   et al. Thermoelectric Cooling-Aided Bead Geometry Regulation in Wire and   Arc-Based Additive Manufacturing of Thin-Walled Structures[J]. Applied   Sciences, 2018, 8(2):207-.

13.   Fang L , Shujun C , Junbiao S , et al. In-process control of   distortion in wire and arc additive manufacturing based on a flexible   multi-point support fixture[J]. Science and Technology of Welding and   Joining, 2018:1-7.

14.   S. J. CHEN, L. W. WANG, J. XIAO, AND P. S. WEI Arc   Behavior and Droplet Dynamics of AC GTAW-GMAW Hybrid Indirect Arc[J]. Welding   Journal, 2018, 97(3);091-098.

15.   Na WuShujun Chen Jun   Xiao, Wavelet analysis-based expulsion identification in electrode force[J].   Welding in the Word, 2018, 62(4):729-736.

16.   Xiaoqing   Jiang, S. Chen, et.al, Effect of non-axisymmetric arc on microstructure,   texture and properties of variable polarity plasma arc welded 5A06 Al alloy.   Materials Characterization, 2018, 139: 70–80

17.   Li F,   Chen S, Wu Z, et al. Adaptive process control of wire and arc additive   manufacturing for fabricating complex-shaped components[J]. International   Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018(2):1-9.

18.   Chen   S, Xu B, Jiang F. Blasting type penetrating characteristic in variable   polarity plasma arc welding of aluminum alloy of type 5A06[J]. International   Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018,118:1293-1306.

19.   Shujun   Chen, Ruiying Zhang, Fan Jiang, Shanwen Dong. Experimental   study on electrical property of arc column in plasma arc welding. Journal of   Manufacturing Processes 2018,31: 823–832

20.   Xu B,   Jiang F, Shujun Chen, et al. Numerical analysis of plasma arc physical   characteristics under additional constraint of keyhole[J]. Chin. Phys. B,   2018(3):034701

21.   Shujun   Chen, Ruiying Zhang, Fan Jiang, et al. A novel method for testing the   electrical property of arc column in plasma arc welding[J]. Welding in the   World, 2018.

22.   Shujun   Chen, Zhaoyang Yan, Fan Jiang. Gravity effects on horizontal variable   polarity plasma arc welding[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology,   2018,255:831-840.

23.   陈树君,徐斌,蒋凡. 变极性等离子弧焊电弧物理特性的数值模拟[J]. 金属学报,2017,53(05):631-640.  

24.   Shujun   Chen, Ruiying Zhang, Fan Jiang*, Yuanfeng Li. A primary study on testing the electrical property of arc column   in plasma arc welding[J].   Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2017, 27:276-283.

25.   Guoqin   Sun, Yajing Chen, Shujun Chen, Deguang Shang. Fatigue modeling and life   prediction for friction stir welded joint based on microstructure and   mechanical characterization[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2017,   98:131-141.

26.   Li F,   Chen S, Shi J, et al. Evaluation and Optimization of a Hybrid Manufacturing   Process Combining Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing with Milling for the   Fabrication of Stiffened Panels[J]. Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(12):1233.

27.   S.J.   Chen; L.Zhang; G.Q. Men. Effect of Torch Height on Arc Stability in   Divided-Arc Processes [J]. Welding Journal, 2016, 2: 47s-56s.

28.   Shujun   Chen; Zhaoyang Yan; Fan Jiang;Zhenyang Lu. The pressure   distribution of hollow cathode centered negative pressure arc[J]. Journal of   Manufacturing Processes, 2016, 23: 21-28.

29.   Shujun   Chen; Liwei Wang*; Pengsheng Wei; Jun Xiao; Yazhou Jia; Shan Su. Sustaining   the inter-wire arc in twin-wire indirect arc welding[J]. Journal of   Manufacturing Processes, 2016, 21: 69-74.

30.   J.   Xiao; S. J. Chen; G. J. Zhang; Y. M. Zhang. Current-Independent Metal   Transfer by Using Pulsed Laser Irradiation Part 1: System and   Verification[J]. Welding Journal; 2016, 3: 93-100.

31.   J   Xiao, Shujun Chen, et al. Current­ Independent Metal Transfer by Using Pulsed   Laser Irradiation Part 2: Affecting Factors[J]. Welding Journal, 2016,   95:194s-201s.

32.   S. J.   CHEN; R. Y. ZHANG; F. JIANG; Z. Y. YAN; Y. M. ZHANG, Measurement and   Application of Arc Separability in Plasma Arc[J]. Welding Journal, 2016, 95:   219s-228s.

33.   Xu   Bin; Hu Qinxian; Chen Shujun; Jiang Fan; Wang Xiaoli, Numerical simulation of   dynamic behavior of keyhole and molten pool at keyhole plasma arc quasi   steady welding process[J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2016, 52: 804-810.

34.   Shujun   Chen, Suolai Zhang, Ning Huang, et al. Droplet transfer in arcing-wire   GTAW[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2016, 23:149-156.

35.   Fan   Jiang, Shujun Chen*, Ruiying Zhang, Zhaoyang Yan, Jianxin Wang, Yuming Zhang.   Hollow Cathode Centered Negative Pressure Arc[J]. Welding Journal,   2016,95:395s-408s.

36.   Ruiying   Zhang, Fan Jiang, Shujun Chen. Comparison of Energy Acted on Workpiece among   Twin-body Plasma Arc Welding, Non-transferred Plasma Arc Welding and Plasma   Arc Welding[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes (SCI) , 2016, 24: 152-160.

37.   Shujun   Chen, Sun Teng, Xiaoqing Jiang, et al. Online monitoring and evaluation of   the weld quality of resistance spot welded titanium alloy[J]. Journal of   Manufacturing Processes, 2016, 23:183-191.

38.   Liang   Zhang, Shujun Chen, Yaxiu Song, et al. Metal   Transfer in Cross Arc Welding Process [J]. Welding   Journal,2016,95(9):340s-356s

39.   Fan   Jiang, Zhaoyang Yan, Shujun Chen, Zhenyang Lu. The energy distribution of   electrode in hollow cathode centered negative pressure arc [J]. Journal of   Manufacturing Processes, 2016, 24:138-144.

40.   Ning   Huang, Yu Liu, Shujun Chen, Yuming Zhang. Interval model control of human   welder’s movement in machine-assisted manual GTAW torch operation [J]. The   International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 86(1):1-9.

41.   Shujun   Chen, Ning Huang, et.al. Machine assisted manual torch operation: system   design, response modeling, and speed control [J]. Journal of Intelligent   Manufacturing, 2015,1(10).

42.     Shujun   Chen, Ning Huang, et.al. Machine-assisted travel speed control in manual   welding torch operation [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing   Technology, 2015,76:1371-1381.(入藏号:WOS:000348307500050)

43.     Shujun   Chen, Fan Jiang, et.al. Measurement and Analysis of Plasma Arc Components   [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2015,137(1):   011006-1----011006-9.(入藏号:WOS:000348121400006

44.     Shujun   Chen, Liang Zhang, et.al. Stability of the Cross-Arc Process —A Preliminary   Study [J]. Welding Journal, 2015,94:158-168. (入藏号:WOS:000353869700011

45.     Shujun   Chen, Xiaoqing Jiang. Microstructure evolution during magnetic pulse   welding of dissimilar aluminium and magnesium alloys [J]. Journal of Manufacturing   Processes, 2015,1914-21.(入藏号:WOS:000362135200002

46.   Lingli   Cui, Xue Chen, Shujun Chen. Dynamics Modeling and Analysis of Local Fault of   Rolling Element Bearing [J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014,   7(1):262351-262351.

47.   Yi   Lu, Shujun Chen, Yu Shi, Xiangrong Li, Jinsong Chen, Lee Kvidahl, Yuming   Zhang. Double-electrode arc welding process: Principle, variants, control and   developments [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2014, 16(1):93-108.

48.   孙国芹, 牛江佩, 王冬, 陈树君, 曹方莉. 2219-T6铝合金FSW接头疲劳寿命预测[J]. 中国有色金属学报,   2014(10):2460-2464.

49.   Shujun   Chen, Fan Jiang, YS Lu, Yuming Zhang. Separation of Arc Plasma and Current in   Electrical Arc - An Initial Study [J]. 2014, 93(7): 253s-261s.

50.   Shujun   Chen, Xiaoqing Jiang. Texture evolution and deformation mechanism in friction   stir welding of 2219Al[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014,   612(9):267–277.



博士生导师,北京工业大学机电学院,北京市,   (2010.01—至今)

教授,北京工业大学机电学院,北京市,   (2006.07—至今)

副教授,北京工业大学机电学院,北京市,   (2002.072006.06)

副教授,北京工业大学材料学院,北京市,   (2001.072002.06)

博士后,北京工业大学机械工程博士后流动站,北京市, (1999.082001.06)



1.       Current­ Independent Metal Transfer by   Using Pulsed Laser Irradiation  A. F. Davis Silver Medal Award 2017

2.       政府特殊津贴 2016

3.       航天器舱体结构变极性等离子弧穿孔立焊关键技术与应用 国家科技进步二等奖(2015

4.       变极性等离子弧穿孔立焊的关键技术研究与应用 北京市科技进步一等奖(2014

5.       航天器舱体结构变极性等离子弧穿孔焊接技术及应用 中国机械工业科学技术奖二等奖(2014

6.       船舶高效节能电弧焊关键技术研究与应用 科学技术进步二等奖 2014

7.     船舶高效节能电弧焊关键技术研究与应用 江苏省科学技术二等奖 2014







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研究生招生  010-67392281(机械工程系)




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