


发布日期:2021-07-23  来源:   点击量:












中国电工技术学会电焊技术专业委员会    副秘书长

中国焊接学会青年委员会                            委员

中国焊接协会焊接设备分会                        秘书

美国焊接学会                                                会员


1、加拿大阿尔伯塔大学  2018.122019.12 CSC项目 访问学者

2、日本大阪大学  2018.072018.09    JIJReC项目 联合研究员

3、日本大阪大学  2016.072016.09    JIJReC项目 联合研究员

4、美国肯塔基大学  2013.042014.01  电气工程   访问学者













1   等离子弧穿孔熔池熔凝过程的绕流机制与变位置焊接稳定性控制 2019.01-2022.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目

2   低功率CO2激光-变极性等离子弧复合焊接机理研究2018.08-2019.08   北京市激光应用技术工程技术研究中心项目

3   低功率CO2激光增强变极性等离子弧同轴复合焊接制造技术2018.01-2020.12   中国机械工程学会焊接学会创新平台项目

4   空间位置分体等离子弧熔丝成形的熔滴物态与运动机制2017.01-2019.12   北京市自然科学基金面上项目

5   空心阴极中心负压电弧的物理特性与电弧行为   2016.01-2018. 12 国家自然科学基金青年基金

6   空间位置分体等离子弧熔丝成形的输运与结合机制2016.01-   2018.12 哈尔滨工业大学焊接国家重点实验室开放课题

7   分体等离子弧熔丝成形的熔滴过渡行为与机理2015.05-   2016.07 北京市博士后基金资助项目

8   载人航天器结构关键制造装备及柔性化生产线 2014.01- 2017.12 国家科技重大专项项目


1   B. Xu, S. Chen, F. Jiang, H. Le Phan, S. Tashiro and M. Tanaka. The Influence   Mechanism of Variable Polarity Plasma Arc Pressure On Flat Keyhole Welding   Stability. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2019, 37: 519-528.

 2   S. Chen, Z. Yan and F. Jiang. Arc Discharge and Pressure Characteristics in   Pulsed Plasma Gas of PAW. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing   Technology. 2019, 102(1-4): 695-703.

 3   F. Jiang, C. Li and S. Chen. Experimental Investigation On Heat Transfer of   Different Phase in Variable Polarity Plasma Arc Welding. Welding in the   World. 2019.

 4   Z. Lu, S. Dong, F. Jiang and C. Li. Analysis of Electrical Characteristics of   Inter-Wire Arc in Cross-Coupling Arc. Chinese Journal of Mechanical   Engineering. 2019, 32(1).

 5   S. Chen, Z. Yan, F. Jiang and W. Zhang. Gravity Effects On Horizontal   Variable Polarity Plasma Arc Welding. Journal of Materials Processing   Technology. 2018, 255: 831-840.

 6   S. Chen, R. Zhang, F. Jiang and S. Goecke. A Novel Method for Testing the   Electrical Property of Arc Column in Plasma Arc Welding. Welding in the   World. 2018, 62(3): 637-645.

 7   S. Chen, R. Zhang, F. Jiang and S. Dong. Experimental Study On Electrical   Property of Arc Column in Plasma Arc Welding. Journal of Manufacturing   Processes. 2018, 31: 823-832.

 8   S. Chen, B. Xu and F. Jiang. Blasting Type Penetrating Characteristic in   Variable Polarity Plasma Arc Welding of Aluminum Alloy of Type 5A06.   International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018, 118: 1293-1306.

 9   B. Xu, F. Jiang, S. Chen, M. Tanaka, S. Tashiro and N. Van Anh. Numerical   Analysis of Plasma Arc Physical Characteristics Under Additional Constraint   of Keyhole. Chinese Physics B. 2018, 27(3): 34701.

10   F. Jiang, Y. Li and S. Chen. Tomographic Measurement of Temperature in   Non-Axisymmetric Arc Plasma by Single Camera Multi-View Imaging System.   Optics Express. 2018, 26(17): 21745.

11   S. Chen, C. Yuan, F. Jiang, Z. Yan and P. Zhang. Study on Heat Generation   Mechanism and Melting Behavior of Droplet Transition in Resistive Heating   MetalWires. ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA. 2018, 54(9): 1297-1310.

12   Z. Yan, S. Chen, F. Jiang, N. Huang and S. Zhang. Material Flow in Variable   Polarity Plasma Arc Keyhole Welding of Aluminum Alloy. Journal of   Manufacturing Processes. 2018, 36: 480-486.

13   S. Chen, R. Zhang, F. Jiang and Y. Li. A Primary Study On Testing the   Electrical Property of Arc Column in Plasma Arc Welding. Journal of   Manufacturing Processes. 2017, 27: 276-283.

14   S. Chen, B. Xu and F. Jiang. Numerical Simulation of Physical Characteristics   of Variable Polarity Plasma Arc Welding. ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA. 2017,   53(5): 631-640.

15   S. Chen, Z. Yan, F. Jiang and Z. Lu. The Pressure Distribution of Hollow   Cathode Centered Negative Pressure Arc. Journal of Manufacturing Processes.   2016, 23: 21-28.

16   F. Jiang, Z. Yan, S. Chen and Z. Lu. The Energy Distribution of Electrode in   Hollow Cathode Centered Negative Pressure Arc. Journal of Manufacturing   Processes. 2016, 24(1): 138-144.

17   R. Zhang, F. Jiang and S. Chen. Comparison of Energy Acted on Workpiece Among   Twin-body Plasma Arc Welding, Non-transferred Plasma Arc Welding and Plasma   Arc Welding. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2016, 24(1): 152-160.

18   B. Xu, Q. Hu, S. Chen, F. Jiang and X. Wang. Numerical Simulation of Dynamic   Behavior of Keyhole and Molten Pool at K-Paw Quasi Steady Process. ACTA   METALLURGICA SINICA. 2016, 52(7): 804-810.

19   S. J. Chen, R. Y. Zhang, F. Jiang, Z. Y. Yan and Y. M. Zhang. Measurement and   Application of Arc Separability in Plasma Arc. WELDING JOURNAL. 2016, 95(6):   219S-228S.

20   F. Jiang, S. J. Chen, R. Y. Zhang, Z. Y. Yan, J. X. Wang and Y. M. Zhang.   Hollow Cathode Centered Negative Pressure Arc. WELDING JOURNAL. 2016, 95(10).

21   S. J. Chen, F. Jiang, J. L. Zhang, Y. M. Zhang and P. J. Shun. Measurement and   Analysis of Plasma Arc Components. Journal of Manufacturing Science and   Engineering. 2015, 137(1): 11006.

22   S. J. Chen, F. Jiang, Y. S. Lu and Y. M. Zhang. Separation of Arc Plasma and   Current in Electrical Arc - an Initial Study. WELDING JOURNAL. 2014, 93(7):   253S-261S.

23   A low back pressure penetrating arc welding apparatus and method. 国际专利   PCT/CN2014/088498

24   Central negative pressure arc welding apparatus and method. 国际专利   PCT/CN2014/088499

25   Gas tungsten arc welding with cross ac arcing twin wires. 国际专利 US 13/917,520









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